Predicted Grades Policy
Predicted grades are generated at the end of Year 12. These are primarily used for UCAS applications (or other applications such as apprenticeships).
Predicted grades are based on the student’s performance during their Year 12. Each predicted grade will be strongly influenced by attainment in the High Stakes Exams, but they are holistic grades that draw on the student’s performance across the whole year.
Predicted grades are optimistic but realistic, with teachers using their professional judgement to consider:
- The student’s potential to improve
- How the second year of the course is assessed (exams, continuous assessment etc)
- The content of the second year of the course
- Other factors specific to individual students
Teachers & departments will never base predicted grades on what students require to apply for a particular course or university. If a student’s predicted grades do not meet the entry requirements of a university or course they wish to apply for, they will be given guidance to help them to choose a more suitable course or pathway. LaSWAP guidance encourages students to choose a range of aspirational, secure and safe choices across their 5 UCAS options. Students can contact their tutor, Head of Year or UCAS coordinator for support with UCAS.
Teachers will consider exceptional circumstances such as long-term illness when deciding predicted grades. Teachers will always use their expertise and professional integrity when making decisions.
Please note that tutors or Heads of Year will not change grades that have been decided by their colleagues. If a student wishes to appeal their predicted grades, they should contact their Head of Year in the first instance to discuss further.